Aug 2, 2011

Did Motorola just hint they are ready to join Android IP racket with their own patent fee demands?

Did Motorola just hint they are ready to join Android IP racket with their own patent fee demands?

Android and it's licensees haven't been doing too well lately in dealing with various intellectual property issues. They are being sued left and right over patents, and courts already started handing them some painful defeats. I recently calculated that, in one scenario,  a typical licensee might end up paying $60 per Android device in patent fees. Some accused me of sensationalism, fear  mongering and using the very worst possible outcome.  Recent developments show that it might not have been the worst case.

ITC court has issued a preliminary ruling that HTC is infringing on 2 Apple's patents, the ruling that might result in a U.S.

Unwired View, Did Motorola just hint they are ready to join Android IP racket with their own patent fee demands?

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