Aug 1, 2011

Mobile Cloud Music Showdown - Subscription Services, 5th Place: Rhapsody

Mobile Cloud Music Showdown - Subscription Services, 5th Place: Rhapsody

Ed. - This article is part of our roundup featuring all of the mobile cloud music services currently available in the US. Click here for more. Founded in 2001, Rhapsody was purchased by RealNetworks shortly after signing deals with the major US music labels. Recently declaring independence, they've made a recent push to take their service to the mobile space. How do their latest offerings compare with its competitors in the crowded mobile cloud music space?


Mobile Platforms

iOS, Android, BlackBerry

Library Size

More than 10 million songs; music store sells 256kbps DRM-free tracks.
Mobile Cloud Music Showdown - Subscription Services, 5th Place: Rhapsody

Mobile Cloud Music Showdown - Subscription Services, 5th Place: Rhapsody

Unwired View, Mobile Cloud Music Showdown - Subscription Services, 5th Place: Rhapsody

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