Mar 6, 2012

Intel intros Xeon E5-2600 family, finally ushers servers into the Sandy Bridge era

Intel intros Xeon E5-2600 family, finally ushers servers into the Sandy Bridge era

On the eve of the release of Ivy Bridge, Intel is finally bringing its server chips up to speed by introducing the Sandy Bridge-based E5-2600 family of CPUs. The company claims its latest processors outperform the previous generation of Xeons by up to 80 percent in raw speed, while improving per-watt performance by 50 percent. The eight-core chips support up to 768GB of RAM, PCI Express 3.0, Hyper-Threading, Turbo Boost, Intel Virtualization - basically the whole Chipzilla portfolio of tricks. A grand total of 17 different Xeons will be available, ranging in price from $198 to $2,050.


See also:
gadgets, Intel intros Xeon E5-2600 family, finally ushers servers into the Sandy Bridge era

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