Apr 18, 2012

Around 140,000 Apple machines still infected with Flashback malware, says Symantec

Around 140,000 Apple machines still infected with Flashback malware, says Symantec

By now, we're all quite familiar with the Java-driven trojan that's affected thousands of Apple's rigs, and while the numbers seem to have drastically dropped since the first Cupertino fix, there's still a plethora of machines carrying the bug. According to Symantec, the number of infected computers is now at around 140,000, seeing a decline of over 460,000 since April 9th. Still, the security outfit remains puzzled by the fact, as it expected the digits to be somewhere near the 99,000 mark by now.

Engadget, Around 140,000 Apple machines still infected with Flashback malware, says Symantec

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